Monday, June 8, 2009


I was just settling into lab, reading over my protocol for the day, getting my reagents out, when Michael comes in and says "Turns out we can't stay in the apartment anymore. We have to go look at new apartments in a few hours." My first thought was "shit. Momita is going to kill me for missing more lab." To elaborate: Apparently, the first power cut I spoke of, the one where we came home and the power was off, was real. But then the power came back on, we turned on our two ACs in our respective rooms and the power went off again. We never made the connection that maaybe we did it. We did. Annnnd our Tenants were piiiisssed. And said they no longer wanted Michael to live there. So much for till death do us part and what not. Anywayz we found a new apartment and will be moving in on Wednesday. (Michael has this theory that the second power cut, the one that was all night, was the upset secretary of tenant just turning off our electricity. Evidence: other apartments in our building had electricity, in the morning when Michael went down to find out what was up, the electricity was "turned on!" and the guy who did it was all smiles. Hmmm...intrigue.) Very sick of fast food (all that is in our neighborhood) we took an auto to a restaurant last night. The restaurant served North Indian food (the food American's associate with Indian but can't find here). I had the to die for Tandori Chicken Tikka Masala. The Naan was like a cake. Num num num. The temperature was 37 degrees Celsius yesterday. The same temperature we use to multiply bacteria on plates. All day I could feel them multiplying on me. I think I lost 5 pounds.

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