I got Internet at home using a USB connector! I had the most delicious morning. Lazily got up, turned on my computer, Internet, people I know and love talking to me when they're also up. So nice.
Then I got on the bus. Let me explain what the bus is like: You see it coming and run to catch it. It doesn't stop it slows down, so you run and grab onto the rail. You could be holding on like this for a minute as the bus starts going fast until the ticket collector (who sings out...something in Bengali and bangs on the roof when he wants to collect the money) grabs you and stuffs you into the crowd. There is no room to hear, or breathe, or move. The trick is to get into a zen like state and escape inwardly. Women hold their teeny tiny naked babies in the nook of their necks as they howl. Every looks at them and is like "I know, me too." The bus stops and starts beyond suddenly and everyone knocks heads. It's like one big team huddle, but no one ever calls "break!"
For lunch I was walking with my lab to what I thought was the canteen but then they made a wrong turn. Its funny, I hang out with them so much in a group I feel like I know what they are like but in fact they never talk in English so it's all just speculation based on their gestures and eyes. I've created whole elaborate personalities for them that probably aren't remotely true.
We had lunch at a restaurant. The men at the table ordered us all so much food to share and the waiters came and served the food onto our plates. It was a 2 hour lunch and while it was mostly quiet in my head, I had a blast laughing along when they laughed, just watching everyone and trying all of the food.
When we went home (every time we get to the door we hesitated to see what is inside) we find our leaser and 7 little Indian men fixing our microwave. Did they really need 7? Which they did fix. The leaser explained everything to us, and then told Michael "does she like this place?" Finally Michael put his foot down "you can ask her, she can hear." lol
When they left we were all antsy seeing as it was a Friday night, and took the auto to the junction and walked the stretch to the mall. I had Palak Paneer at the North Indian stand and freshly made ground lime in soda. With ice. I drank half the cup before I realized and then totally freaked out. I decided I wanted to kill those bacteria and vibrio fuckers swimming in my gut as soon as possible so we headed to a lounge and I drank a martini (filled with sterile sterile alcohol.) It was good, and nice to let loose for a second.
The lounge was hilarious and played really loud American rap. The few Indians on the dance floor looked like they were dancing in a Bollywood film.
When we got home, I went to go onto the Internet and...THE USB CONNECTOR WASN'T THERE. I tore apart my whole apartment looking for it and couldn't find it. I also realized my knife was missing and Michael's phone. We were robbed by the workers. I don't know what else they took either, those were just the few items I noticed. I knew not to leave anything of great value lying around (thankfully) so my camera, laptop, and phone are safe. But still...the USB Internet thing besides making me so upset, charges by usage so we have to cancel it. It is also not easy at all to obtain and took us a week to get in the first place.
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